You got it : VIALAB now provides industrial equipment to produce bitumen emulsions as well as Cold Asphalt Mixes (CAM) ❄ Until recently, our activity was still focused on laboratory equipment and training courses, but we can now assist you in all your cold asphalt projects thanks to our global offer ✔ With lots of honor and ambition, Vincent HESRY and the whole VIALAB team have taken the company one step further to become the only actor in the field to have such a wide range of services 🌍 The field of bitumen emulsions needs innovation, mastery, transmission of knowledge, and we are convinced that we are now in the ideal position to take this role. This expansion is only the beginning of a new dynamic that you will be able to follow on our LinkedIn through the many projects that we have in store 🌐 This big change in VIALAB’s activity involves a rethinking of our image, which you may have already noticed on our website 😉 Thank you for your trust and your fidelity.