Category Archives: Articles

Read our blog articles written by our VIALAB experts, on topics about technical, scientifical, Laboratory or Industry subjects.

Particle size of bitumen emulsions

If you work in the field of bitumen emulsions, you have probably already heard of [...]

Roads do not like low temperatures

It’s getting colder. And roads do not appreciate that. Why is that so ? Because road [...]

Decarbonate roads – 2 years to launch the transition

2 years. This is the time remaining for the French road sector to reach its [...]

Etat de la Route 2023 – A new dynamic dynamique

« Massively rely on all cold asphalt techniques. »The 2023 edition of L’Etat de la [...]

100 years of bitumen emulsion

« Want a glass of emulsion ? » To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the [...]

Focus on Client – Laboratoire CBTP

Immersion at one of our clients: Laboratoire CBTP. Looking for a laboratory device to modify [...]

Latex modified bitumen emulsions : good solution for producers ?

Some admire it, others hate it: latex for the modification of bitumen emulsions is at [...]

90 years of ATOMIX® technology for bitumen emulsions

Exactly 90 years ago, Marcel ROUAZE was submitting his patent regarding the ATOMIX® technology 🎂 [...]

What are biobased light colored binders in the road industry ?

Introduction In the road sector, biobased light colored binders, although marginal, are attracting attention because [...]

Everything about the production of PMB

Introduction The modification of bitumens by polymers is a common process, which aims at reinforcing [...]