Background 13
1 year of Industry

Who would have thought ? One year ago, VIALAB was still mainly providing laboratory equipment. Since then, [...]

CORE Center COLAS acquires a new PMB Polyvalens

The CORE Research Center from COLAS aquires a new PMB Polyvalens ✅ Faithful to the ATOMIX® laboratory pilots for [...]

What are biobased light colored binders in the road industry ?

Introduction In the road sector, biobased light colored binders, although marginal, are attracting attention because of [...]

Everything about the production of PMB

Introduction The modification of bitumens by polymers is a common process, which aims at reinforcing the [...]

VIALAB’s new era

? Vincent Hesry presents you the new era of VIALAB ? Since the integration of Emulbitume’s activity, [...]

Particle size and stability of bitumen emulsions | Webinar

Links : Lab emulsion production : Agilis – Simplified laboratory pilot Seperation stability and Particle size [...]

A big step for VIALAB

You got it : VIALAB now provides industrial equipment to produce bitumen emulsions as well as [...]

Emulsion Season 2022 !

☀ Temperatures are rising again, the Bitumen Emulsion Season is near !☀ Vialab provides everything you [...]

How to heat bitumen in the lab ?

How to heat bitumen in the lab ? Antonin RICHARD answers this question with his guests [...]

WTAT – Wet Track Abrasion Test

Conçu et assemblé au sein de notre entreprise sur la base des normes en vigueur, nous [...]

Kumagawa 2L LCPC

VIALAB vous propose un ensemble complet pour la détermination de la teneur en liant d’un enrobé. [...]

Machine de cohésion

VIALAB à conçu et développer une machine de cohésion répodnant aux besoins de la norme et [...]

Étuve RTFOT EN 12607-1

VIALAB propose une étuve RTFOT répondant scrupuleusement aux caractéristiques de la norme EN 12607-1. Cette étuve [...]

Slurry- and Micro-Surfacing – Mix Design

VIALAB design and select some of laboratory equipments for the testing on Slurry- and Micro-Surfacing – [...]