High-viscosity Product Heater | 3 Liters
Needle penetration | Motorized
Needle penetration | Semi-automatic
Automatic Ball & Ring | Performance
Automatic Ball & Ring | Simple
Manual Ball & Ring | Softening Point
RTFOT | Rolling Thin Film Oven Test
Acid Index | Potentiometric Method
Bitumen SARA Analysis | IATROSCAN® MK7s FID
FRAASS | Automatic Breaking Point Tester
PAV | Pressure Aging Vessel
Cleveland | Flash & Fire Points
Dynamic and kinematic viscosity of bitumen
Brookfield | Rotating Viscometer
Solubility of bitumens in solvents
Density of bitumen with pycnometer
Paraffin content of bitumen
Distillation of cutbacks & fluxed bitumens
Thin Film Oven Test | TFOT
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