Ultrasonic baths | Cleaning

Clean your equipment efficiently and quickly with BPAC ultrasonic baths. VIALAB is a partner of BPAC for road applications and uses linked to bituminous binders, in order to provide you with a whole cleaning solution in combination with our plant-based cleaning agent.

BPAC baths allow the cleaning fluid to be heated while producing ultrasound. Ultrasound has the effect of agitating the molecules of the medium, which creates friction and thus improves the action of the cleaning agent.

We tested these baths with our biobased bitumen cleaner: the equipment covered in bitumen is completely cleaned effortlessly in less than 20 minutes. In addition, VIALAB’s claner can be reused several times in order to reduce material consumption.

VIALAB provides three models of ultrasonic baths to cover all of your applications. Adapt your cleaning method to your needs by adjusting the bath temperature as well as the number of ultrasound cycles for an optimized result.

